Tuesday 10 January 2012

** 10 things on the 10th ~ January **

I am going to try and take part in Shimelle's 10 things on the 10th. As this is my first time and it's the 1st month I'm using it as a to do list. So here goes :

  1. Finish getting this blog all pretty. I want to create a nice header and get all the fonts/colours sorted
  2. Blog Mom's handmade birthday presents
  3. Clear the dining table of none dining related objects
  4. Urrghh ironing, it's only the thought of it, once it's out and I'm doing it, I don't actually mind it
  5. Ebay Joe's 0-3month clothes
  6. Start Ava's 1st Birthday gift, I figured if I make a start now, I won't be rushing & stressing last minute like I normally do
  7. Finish Flynn's birth card & Gwyn's Valentines Cards (both of which are half started)
  8. Learn to crochet (This was last years resolution but I never did it - I WILL this year!)
  9. Finish my JYC 2011, it's pretty much prepped I just need to add photos and journalling
  10. Book a holiday for this year - Our first as a family of four!

So hopefully by Feburary I will have crossed some of these off my list and made good progress on the rest!

Sunday 8 January 2012

** Photo a Day 2012 Week 1 **

01.01.12 Joe's 1st Train Ride
02.01.12 Pretty Rainbow in Telford
03.01.12 Christmas Decorations came down
04.01.12 Echo Cave meets Zip, Zoom Logging Adventure
05.01.12 Meningitis at school
06.01.12 Bathtime for the boys
07.01.12 Emma Bridgewater

And that my friends a week in my life
